• Trzy głosy o architekturze współczesnej / UŁ x Detalfest

Trzy głosy o architekturze współczesnej / UŁ x Detalfest

Place of the event: ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 11, 90-505 Łódź
When: 16 December 2023 (Saturday) 12:00 - 16:00

A series of three lectures – the last events of this year's edition of DetalFest – will begin on Saturday (16 December) at 12:00 p.m. at the university's Wozownia 11 Gallery (M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 11). Dr hab. Michał Domińczak (Lodz University of Technology), Dr Maciej Jagielak (Emisja Architektury / Cracow University of Technology) and architect Piotr Olszak (Polska Drewniana) will talk about modern (but not necessarily modernist!) architecture, the re-evaluation of existing design patterns, construction adapted to a changing climate and the search for inspiration, as well as the use of traditional solutions in the creation of contemporary architecture.

"Nowoczesny nie znaczy modernistyczny. Dlaczego architektura przyszłości może być piękna" [Modern does not mean modernist. Why the architecture of the future can be beautiful] / Dr hab. Michał Domińczak (Lodz University of Technology)

The author's intention is to draw attention to the common, yet erroneous, presentation of the changes taking place in architectural design in recent decades as a general and indisputable progress in architecture. The thesis is that the modernist attitude, on which the mainstream of contemporary architecture is based, is no longer synonymous with modernity, and architectural design requires a deep re-evaluation of existing patterns. This is necessary both in the context of timeless architectural principles, as well as upcoming challenges and related civilization changes. The future requires a New Architecture that is both durable, useful and, which is almost completely disregarded in our times, beautiful.

The middle-aged male speaker in a suit

BIO: Michał Domińczak is an architect and an urban planner, a researcher and populariser of the idea of New Urbanism, a researcher at the Lodz University of Technology. He is an author and a co-author of many various conservation, architectural and urban projects, such as the reconstruction of an early medieval stronghold in Tum near Łęczyca, special infrastructure for the Polish Armed Forces and area revitalization of Lodz. In 2003, as the Architect of the City of Zgierz, he led to the creation of the first cultural park in Poland, "Miasto Tkaczy". Michał Domińczak is an expert on spatial management at the Instytut im. Romana Rybarskiego, Centrum Analiz Klubu Jagiellońskiego. He is a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Urban and Regional Development, a member of the Congress for the New Urbanism and the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art.

Facebook profile of the speaker

"Klimatyczne detale, czy detale klimatyczne?" [Atmospheric details or details of climate?] / Dr Maciej Jagielak (Emisja architektury / Cracow University of Technology)

Old cottages are usually very "atmospheric", also in the sense of being perfectly adapted to local weather conditions, the rhythm of seasonal changes and the landscape. Today, however, we urgently need buildings adapted to the climate, which is changing rapidly. Can architectural details be a part of the answer to such a challenge? We will look for examples among radical contemporary implementations of solar architecture, low-tech, natural construction, and "Spartan circularity", and we will compare them with traditional architecture from time to time.

The middle-aged male speaker wearing a colourful hat and glasses

BIO: Maciej Jagielak is an architect, fascinated by the ecological and social role of architecture, low-tech solutions, natural building and permaculture. He runs the podcast and website Emisja Architektury. Professionally, he specializes in the use of natural materials. Operating as part of the informal FUCHI Studio group, he designs houses made of wood, straw, clay, etc., advises, trains and writes. He works in research and teaching as an assistant at the Department of Spatial Planning, Urban and Rural Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology. He works in organisations that promote natural construction on a national and European scale: the Polish Natural Building Association and the European Straw Building Association.

Facebook profile of the speakeru, Emisja Architektury

"O przewagach projektowania według nieba i obyczaju na podstawie Wzornika Mazurskiego" [About the advantages of designing according to sky and custom based on the Masurian Pattern Book ] / Piotr Olszak (Polska Drewniana

Tradition is about thousands of corrections made over hundreds of years, by thousands of anonymous builders who worked with local building materials in the local climate and for people who had specific living and spiritual needs. For this reason, the traditional building is the product which is closest to perfection. Even the most brilliant architect who works alone, rejecting the experiences of generations, cannot come close to this ideal. The ancient landscape was harmonious, but diverse and interesting, which cannot be said about the products of today's architects. Instead of tiring yourself and passers-by with constantly inventing something new, I encourage you to immerse yourself in tradition, thanks to which we will leave behind a slightly more beautiful world!

The middle aged male speaker wearing a down jacket

BIO: Piotr Olszak was born and raised in Pisz in southern Masuria, in a family from neighbouring Kurpie. This was of great importance in his later design work. He studied architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology. He started his professional career in Olsztyn in the architecture studio of Bolesław Wilkowski, and then he returned to his hometown of Pisz, where he has been running a studio known as Polska Drewniana [Wooden Poland]. He deals with design inspired by folk architecture. The vast majority of his projects are wooden buildings. Piotr Olszak has been sharing his family and professional lives with Katarzyna née Wilkowska, a landscape architect by profession, for 27 years. They are parents to seven boys and three girls.

Facebook profile of the speaker, website of Polska Drewniana

The speakers' publications will be available for purchase on site (cash only!). Some refreshment is also planned.

Edit: Bartosz Kałużny (Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz)

The mission of the University of Lodz is to conduct reliable research and actively disseminate facts and research results so as to wisely educate future generations, be useful to society and courageously respond to the challenges of the modern world. Scientific excellence is always our best compass. Our values include: courage, curiosity, commitment, cooperation and respect

Event details

Place of the event: ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 11, 90-505 Łódź

Date and time of the event: 16 December 2023 (Saturday) 12:00 - 16:00

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